
Shaken and Stirred

Have you ever been at the point in your life where things you have believed to be true, suddenly don’t feel that way anymore? I have lived a white middle class life. Everything I have believed and held dear to, is all based on white middle class understanding. Now, I am not saying that any…

So Much to Say, So Much to Hear

It has been such a long time since I have written. One thing that has been on my mind and in my heart over the days since my mum passed away is that I have so much left to say to her. Don’t get me wrong, I said everything I needed to say to her…

Feeling Invisible

Have you ever gone through a stage where you ‘felt’ like you were invisible? I have been going through that lately. I have walked into rooms and spoken to people who have looked straight past me to the person behind me. I have said hello to people and they have not responded at all. Just…

How are You Doing?

I don’t know about you, but if you are an Aussie, Spring is all about emerging out of the grey cold and damp of winter into the beauty of new life bursting out wherever we go. Fresh fragrances in the air, warming temperatures and sunshine that is warm. I know we don’t have snow like…

When Your World Seems to Fall Apart

Many of you who have been with me for a long time will have noticed that I have not written in a very long time. On the 1st September this year my beautiful mum went to be with her Lord in Heaven. Whilst it is a joy to know that she is no longer suffering…

The Roller Coaster of Life

Most of my life over the past three weeks has felt like I am in a washing machine that is firmly strapped to a roller coaster. So many emotions, so many highs and lows and no real clear idea of how to walk through it. My mum is in the latter stages of her life,…

Treasure Every Moment

This is a picture of my daughter on the left, my mum in the middle and myself. It was taken a few months ago now. Treasuring every moment is not something we think a lot about as we go through life. The kids are a bit messy or noisy and all we want is for…

Tiredness, Potions and Pills

 I always begin my day feeling like I have not had enough sleep and, in that moment, before I get out of the bed, this is going through my head – do I stay here, close my eyes and go back to sleep or do I get up and get going?   I have heard people…


She sat in the front room, looking out of the window.   Her view was not wonderful, but she could see all the roads that led to her small house.   There were three roads that could carry people to her home.   The road at the top of her street and the road and the bottom of…

Words, Rejection and Self Harm

This overwhelming anger began to arise in me.   I had no control over it, but I knew the very public space I was in, and I could not allow this to show.   I made a polite apology about some nonsense, and I left the venue. As soon as I was out of the space, I…


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