
My name is Helen and this is the story (in excerpt form) of my life.

So, you could all ask what is so different about my life that would cause you to read my blog.

Well, the story of my life, sadly, is not that different to so many of us.   I know that my experience is not unique.   What makes my story unique is that I am prepared to share it, be vulnerable and honest about it.   My story is one of hope, reconciliation and freedom.

I hope that by sharing my story, you might see that there is always hope.   That truth is always the only way.   That we have a God who loves us unconditionally, who knows everything about us and still loves us and protects us.   Who is always always there for us – even if we don’t recognize it or acknowledge it.

I hope and pray that by sharing my story – you may see the love of God at work in one life and perhaps if you don’t already know Him – seek Him.   

Please feel free to contact me – I don’t know everything and I cannot answer every question but I can tell you how God has loved me.