Tiredness, Potions and Pills

 I always begin my day feeling like I have not had enough sleep and, in that moment, before I get out of the bed, this is going through my head – do I stay here, close my eyes and go back to sleep or do I get up and get going?  

I have heard people say they are taking this new elixir and they bounce out of bed every morning – full of energy and ready to go.   Well, that is wonderful, and I congratulate them, but I would hazard a guess to say that this is not most of the population’s experience.  Especially in these past two years.   We are all tired and none of us can explain why?

I have read countless articles and listened to all kinds of explanations, but I think, in the long run it boils down to one tiny thing.   Before the pandemic we were all running at a million miles an hour, life was so busy and frantic.   Then all a sudden we were forced to stop.   The frenetic pace we once ran at, no longer existed.    Now after all that time – things are starting up again.   Life is back on and guess what – we are all trying to get back into everything at the same pace we were running at before the pandemic shut us all down.   The thing is, it took years for us to build up to that pace and now we have had two years where we have had to stop.  

We learned to rest in the pandemic, have down time.   Those who worked from home were taught to take breaks and sit in the sun during their days.   We would go for walks in our lunch breaks.  Our hours were not as rigid, we could work our day at our own pace.  

Now we are back in the office, and we are at our desks or in our workshops and on the job site at a certain time and have half an hour for lunch and then home.

Then there is church and sporting clubs and all those things that we are cheering are back on again, but we are totally unprepared for the pace.    We have simply run full steam ahead and once again forgotten to slow down, to relax and to take life just a little slower.  

Do you remember saying, during the pandemic, I really need to remember the lessons learned here about the value of family time and taking good breaks?  Yeah, I am sure you do, but I am guessing that you, like me have forgotten all those lessons because life has taken back up again, and we cannot be left behind.

Well, today is all about reminding you to be kind to yourself.   Stop placing so many demands on your life.  

There are so many ‘fad’ pills and ‘fix it’ elixirs around today and all of them claim to fix your tiredness and give you all you need to sustain your busy lifestyle, all the while placing more pressure on your family budget.   If you have hundreds of dollars to spare for them, then it is your choice to do it absolutely, but they really are not necessary.

What we need is simply a good healthy diet, go for a walk in the sunshine and program in time to relax and enjoy life.   Be intentional.

Friends, today I am encouraging you to simply take a big deep breath, take a long look at the night sky or the green fields or your garden or even the view out of your apartment window.  Go for a walk during your lunch break out in the sun.  And breathe.  Whatever you don’t do today will be still waiting for you tomorrow.   There is too much to enjoy in this life and we only have one life to live – so live it my friends.

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