Treasure Every Moment

This is a picture of my daughter on the left, my mum in the middle and myself. It was taken a few months ago now.

Treasuring every moment is not something we think a lot about as we go through life. The kids are a bit messy or noisy and all we want is for the time to come when they are asleep. Life is really busy and we just cannot wait until we get to go on holidays. We have a busy day and we just cannot wait until we get home to put our feet up.

Why is that? There are treasures to be found in every single moment.

Today, my beautiful mum is struggling to take every breath she breathes and she hardly remembers any conversation she has with you. She is 94, her body is tired and she has become frail and fragile. It may be hours, days or weeks, but the time for her to be in the presence of her Saviour is nearing.

This once incredibly independent and proud woman, up until two years ago has had the life stolen from her by Covid. She has been locked in her room for longer than she has been out and about in the last two years. She has been robbed of physical contact with her children, her grandchildren and her great grandchildren. She is in a wonderful nursing home and they have done their best, but there is nothing that an outsider can bring that even comes close to the touch of your own family.

Please, if you are asked to go out for a coffee with someone – don’t put it off for another day, do it now. If you have the opportunity to sit and talk with someone, do it now, don’t schedule it for another day. Every moment is precious and every moment contains treasure you may never get the opportunity to have again. If your grandkids are a handful be full of joy that you have grandchildren. While you have breath, breathe. While you have life – live.

Treasure every moment.

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